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Lawyers on ALT+Z


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like the title states it'll be nice to have the amount of lawyers in city show up there especially for civs that they know they are able to seek legal help at the time and point 

also remove honour as they are basically dead and itll be a better spot to have Lawyers

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So there's a couple issues with this in regards to lawyers:

- While there is the lawyer job role, registered lawyers are not required to be on that role. And asking them to sit on that role and eschew other jobs while waiting for a possible call would be unfair to them (maybe they want to deliver pizzas for a while). To display them regardless would take another reworking of the scoreboard.

- Lawyers aren't required to be on duty or to take cases. They work on their own schedule and pick who they work for. Just like IRL if you go around calling lawyers, you can't guarantee one is going to be available for you.

I feel like the 2nd point is most important and I'm going to make this call out for everyone (not just OP):

Every job on BBRP is done for the enjoyment of the person doing it. Yes, some roles have minimum hours, but overall no one is required to engage with you. I've seen this a lot lately (anger at lawyers not taking cases, even/especially ones doomed to fail; people angry at RACV/TBT for refusing them service even if they're blacklisted; people pissed off GMG isn't open right when they want). At the end of the day, this is a game. No other player is here to serve you. They do it because they enjoy it and want to have fun. 


Now, back to the lawyer aspect: my recommendation would be to use the list of lawyers (here in Court Details or in F3 in city) to find one available in your timezone and get them on retainer. That'd be more ongoing RP and a greater guarantee of having them available when you need them. 

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Honestly, there aren't many active registered lawyers who do legal rep in the city other than myself and my colleague in the OPP Cameron Ab.

Lawyers who are "On-duty" or available to work often post YPs ads.

Not to mention that most police officers won't let a job center trainee lawyer enter the PD in the first place, there are only 7 or so registered lawyers in city. 

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