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  4. Hello Seth speaking, i got permanently banned a while back now, The reasoning was using the racial slur. which i believe was my little cousin as half of my family are Aboriginal and he had no clue he wasnt meant too say it in city. i mean it is fair as you banned him, back it has backfired onto me and im just kindly asking if i can get a unban. please and thank you
  5. Earlier
  6. banned from the discord for no reason my discord is viv1dxttv
  7. I think I was banned on discord because my account got hacked and sent a link to the server I'm not sure. but I fixed it now but I cant get into the five m server without being in the discord. my discord is: hellowquinn#0
  8. did you end up getting unbanned? i am also looking for ban appeals
  9. I have the same problem as this guy. No idea why I would be banned from the discord as I haven't played in ages. Just recently removed the discord server from my app but decided I wanted to play again.
  10. Hi, I am looking to get unbanned after over 2 years. When I played I was obviously not Roleplaying right at all. I was only thinking about myself, disregarding others and performing actions that have no place in this server. I really want to make a start on this server again if given a chance, as I'm looking to get into GTA roleplay and there's really no other server like this one. Please allow me to show you how much I've changed and improved on my roleplay. I am sorry for what I have done and if allowed back onto the server I fully intend to roleplay correctly. I would genuinely be so grateful to be allowed back onto the server and given another chance. If there's anything that must be done on my end to be allowed back on, please reach out to me. Thank you.
  11. used to play on this server now i cant get the discord working.
  12. I have recently been muted and given the tag "Change your username" I have reached out to staff and non have responded after 3 hours so i have made this to be whitelisted again so i can play the server. Thank you
  13. Its been pretty much a year now since i got perm ban and after trying all different servers ive have just been wanting to play bluebird. I really hope i can get unbanned and say sorry to those i hurt i was a dumb kid and just want to play bluebird rp again
  14. I was banned on bluebird over a year ago now almost 2 years. Done the loops around all the other fivem servers and relise bluebirds the one to play. I cant remember as it was that long ago i was banned and cant see my ban message due to being banned from the discord but im pretty sure it was for stream sniping. Other then my 1 other perm ban that was lifted i have no record and would like another chance. I was influenced by the wrong group of people at the time and if unbanned will keep myself in line.
  15. Hi i want to get unbaned from thee game
  16. Any chance the Obey 10f could be the diamond car for this December?
  17. everytime i join it says Failed to fetch server variables. Failed to connect to port 30120 after 21056 ms: Timed out - CURL error code 28 (Timeout was reached)
  18. I was banned on bluebird over a year ago now almost 2 years. Done the loops around all the other fivem servers and relise bluebirds the one to play. I cant remember as it was that long ago i was banned and cant see my ban message due to being banned from the discord but im pretty sure it was for stream sniping. Other then my 1 other perm ban that was lifted i have no record and would like another chance. I was influenced by the wrong group of people at the time and if unbanned will keep myself in line.
  19. I have been banned from the fivem discord, im in the regular discord but cannot follow the link as it says im banned, not sure how long this has been in effect for or why its in effect, dont believe ive played in over a year but im pretty sure it stops me from joining the fivem server. my discord name is chel_star12 , hoping i can either get this all cleared up or figure out why i was banned at least, cheers.
  20. Hello, I was told to notify BBRP that I changed my Discord email address, old email was [email protected] and the new one is [email protected], thank you.
  21. i have made a new character to paly as a deaf person just to change some things up for me and get me time away from my other character i would love to ask if i have permission to play as a deaf character i can hear very good just need to know if im all good or not
  22. Was at the city central when fly in then got headpop 3rd time. after 4th time i run off the city central and no headpop in other area.
  23. Hello, To join Vicpol there is currently a pathway of Joining corrections, then sheriff and being fully signed off on both. To apply for corrections click the support at the top of this webpage and select the Corrections (Police) Recruitment dropdown, fill it out and wait for a response.
  24. Hi I was wondering how I can join the police force if anyone can help me.
  25. Hello guys just wondering I want help my cousin become a cop (2nd ic char) his been in the city for over year please do get back to me or email me back
  26. Happy Birthday
  27. where is mcdonald's on the map and how do i work there
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