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  • How do I join the discord



    How to join the discord

    1. If you haven't already download discord desktop application here: https://discord.com/brand-new/download
    2. Join the discord with this link here: https://discord.gg/bluebird



    Q: Do you have Discord Desktop App or FiveM running as administrator?
    A:  For all this to work normally make sure they are not running with administrator permissions otherwise they're isolated from speaking to each other by Windows!

    Q: Have you given permission to FiveM when prompted by the Discord App?
    Discord will prompt you for permission when Fivem attempts to access your discord details and it isn't yet authorised. You will need to authorise this to join our server.

    Q: Does the Discord Name and descriminator (#number) match up with what you can see in the FiveM settings section (located just off the home screen)
    A:  If not, you're linking different accounts in the discord and connecting to BlueBird with another. FiveM will use the account are logged into the Desktop application.

    Q: Does the Discord Name and descriminator (#number) match up with what you can see in the Discord Desktop application?
     If not, you're linking different accounts in the discord and connecting to BlueBird with another. FiveM will use the account are logged into the Desktop application.

    Q: Its not working, I'll need an exemption
     There is currently no process or means to exempt you from this process, you must complete it to join.

     Still not working? 

    1. Restart Discord and restart FiveM application, then try rejoining the server
    2. Try unauthorising the FiveM from your Discord Settings -> Authorized Apps  tab and relaunch FiveM, it should prompt you again to reauthorise.




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