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Everything posted by Vincent

  1. @Kale What does the connection message say?
  2. @Tangy Not that I know of, my understanding of it is that restricted mode (either level 1 or 2) is set manually by staff. They may have some sort of unofficial number of player, number of staff ratio they meet before deactivating it though.
  3. @Philip You might have an old link I will grab you a new one: https://discord.gg/bluebird Click on that link and if you have the discord app on your pc it should ask if you want to add the server to your list.
  4. Not without good reason, If you want a full character wipe you need to get admin permission which means making a ticket and explaining why you can't just change your character's name and appearance. If you don't want to go through with waiting for a ticket I suggest just changing your character's name in the F5 ID menu and their base ped model with /skin. So long as you take no info from your past life I see no issue in just saying you are a new person (Unless it is a false identity and you are still your original character just in disguise.)
  5. @ImJustARandom The server is currently in restricted mode, sometimes this mode is activated when there is either a small amount of staff able to moderate the server or a wave of new players with bad intentions has come into the city. During this mode People who are whitelisted (Players who have a good track record and thus have been granted extra perms) and players have some sort of gold supporter are the only people guaranteed entry into the server queue. The final group of people who have access is what I call a "trusted player", they are a member of the community who has 120 hours in game and no yellow or red cards in the last month. Ps. Don't purchase gold membership thinking you will be able to pass through restricted mode, you need to connect 1 time after purchasing / linking for it to activate and that means you will still be getting rejected if you have yet to do so.
  6. IMO its the pants, the fact they they have an elastic foot hole means that rendering the skin above that area would be a waste, On online you probably aren't allowed to wear anything but full shoes with them. Worst comes to worst you will have to screen through shoes to find a 2nd pair of flip flops or just change the pants. It is pretty clean when certain items don't want to work together.
  7. Probably at the wrong place, pay someone to teach you or trade your dirty cash for clean cash at a rat of like $1 Dirty : $.65 Clean
  8. @Bob Saw You don't have to restart the game, it is a known bug with a chat command fix. Basically when this happens you type /fixphone and all phone overlays will be removed from the screen, if you character model is still holding the phone after the overlay is gone press the m muscle once and they should put it back in their pocket. Hope this helps. For future reference a bunch of people in the city know these basic bug fixes, ask around when a new one happens to you and 8 times out of 10 you will get a helpful answer.
  9. You might need to post pictures to explain what you mean as to be frank I have no clue what you are on about. You need flip flops (thongs) but you can only see the toe and thong option, no main foot option? Are you trying to change the thongs to a certain colour? are you saying only a portion of your character's legs / feet are visable?
  10. This is a copy paste from another of my posts but it still gives you the info. The server is currently in restricted mode, sometimes this mode is activated when there is either a small amount of staff able to moderate the server or a wave of new players with bad intentions has come into the city. During this mode People who are whitelisted (Players who have a good track record and thus have been granted extra perms) and players have some sort of gold supporter are the only people guaranteed entry into the server queue. The final group of people who have access is what I call a "allowlisted", they are a member of the community who has 120 hours in game and no yellow or red cards in the last month. Ps. Don't purchase gold membership thinking you will be able to pass through restricted mode, you need to connect 1 time after purchasing / linking for it to activate and that means you will still be getting rejected if you have yet to do so.
  11. The server is currently in restricted mode, sometimes this mode is activated when there is either a small amount of staff able to moderate the server or a wave of new players with bad intentions has come into the city. During this mode People who are whitelisted (Players who have a good track record and thus have been granted extra perms) and players have some sort of gold supporter are the only people guaranteed entry into the server queue. The final group of people who have access is what I call a "Trusted player", they are a member of the community who has 120 hours in game and no yellow or red cards in the last month. I understand finding it frustrating that this mode is activated but the community would rather make sure a smaller group is able to have a nice fun time without an increased chance of modders etc, If everyone who was new was able to pass through in restricted mode then restricted mode would have no purpose. This mode is not permanent, I personally believe it should be deactivated some time tomorrow but there is no official ETA. This is coming from someone who is also unable to connect, I am just shy of 120 hours on the server (109.) The only advice I can give you is that if you wish to play on the #1 OCE FiveM server this is the sort of thing you will have to put up with. Ps. Don't purchase gold membership thinking you will be able to pass through restricted mode, you need to connect 1 time after purchasing / linking for it to activate and that means you will still be getting rejected if you have yet to do so. Pps. You can make a ticket checking to see if you have a red card but I can guarantee the main reason you are getting rejected is because of the minimum hours not any cards you may or may not have.
  12. The server is currently in restricted mode, sometimes this mode is activated when there is either a small amount of staff able to moderate the server or a wave of new players with bad intentions has come into the city. During this mode People who are whitelisted (Players who have a good track record and thus have been granted extra perms) and players have some sort of gold supporter are the only people guaranteed entry into the server queue. The final group of people who have access is what I call a "Trusted player", they are a member of the community who has 120 hours in game and no yellow or red cards in the last month. I understand finding it frustrating that this mode is activated but the community would rather make sure a smaller group is able to have a nice fun time without an increased chance of modders etc, If everyone who was new was able to pass through in restricted mode then restricted mode would have no purpose. This mode is not permanent, I personally believe it should be deactivated some time tomorrow but there is no official ETA. This is coming from someone who is also unable to connect, I am just shy of 120 hours on the server (109.) The only advice I can give you is that if you wish to play on the #1 OCE FiveM server this is the sort of thing you will have to put up with. Ps. Don't purchase gold membership thinking you will be able to pass through restricted mode, you need to connect 1 time after purchasing / linking for it to activate and that means you will still be getting rejected if you have yet to do so.
  13. @FaZe_Morgz TL : DR - Get given a access code by the government after being recommended by a white card, apply and wait.
  14. If its your first day it is the 120 hour minimum thing, its not the red card. Don't fret about it.
  15. Hey bud, The server is currently in restricted mode, that means that unless you have 120 hours, a gold supporter rank or a white card you won't be able to join the server. Sadly for now you are just going to have to tough it out, a lot of us are in the same boat as you (I have like 110 hours so am very annoyed) but at some point either today or tomorrow it should go back to normal. Sidenote: Another way that could limit you from joining in restricted mode is if you were given a red card in the last 30 days.
  16. I like it, would bring a new threat from the cops and people would have to stop advertising their meth, coke and weed on the yellow pages which is something I have always thought was dumb. Another benefit would be it would bring more non cops into the police rp as eventually people would figure out all the cops numbers and stop responding to them.
  17. As far as I know the police force applications stay as "Open - Pending Acknowledgement" right up until they are viewed and either accepted, denied or postponed. Seeing that you just applied on Wednesday whilst also it being very likely you are not from either the EU or US timezones it will take a while for people to review your application, the last time I heard it was around a month or two for an AU timezone application to be reviewed. Police force is a very sought after job in the city and thus it is both very competitive and has massive wait lists. Good luck with it.
  18. Sorry to hear that bud, you are probably going to have to make a dev ticket here: https://bluebirdrp.live/index.php?/support/ They should be able to figure out the problem and fix it if it can be fixed. Have you only flown into the city once since you "lost your progress"?
  19. If you have properly linked all your accounts you need to join the server 1 time for it to activate.
  20. Make a ticket here, https://bluebirdrp.live/index.php?/support/ I'm not sure if you will get any money back for the inconvenience but as far as I am concerned the max you could have lost is like 10k from hospital and car insurance fees, Either way its not a massive deal, modders always try and screw with the bigger communities and 10k can be gotten in like 20 minutes (If you have a decent working system for whatever job it is.)
  21. If you have been speeding and have gained either a few automatic tickets or one very large automatic ticket your cash on hand will be a negative number, next time you are in the city press the ~ muscle (the one below ESC) and a few numbers will pop up, the top one is your cash on hand, the middle dirty cash on hand and the final is cash in the bank. If the first number is a negative integer that means you will have to pull out however much money you actually want out PLUS the amount that is negative in your bank. Sidenote: two weeks ago there was a problem with people pulling cash out when the server was mid crash, that caused people to somehow de-spawn money but that seems unrelated in this situation. Good luck with it bud.
  22. As far as I know the police force applications stay as "Open - Pending Acknowledgement" right up until they are viewed and either accepted, denied or postponed. Seeing that you just applied on Wednesday whilst also it being very likely you are not from either the EU or US timezones it will take a while for people to review your application, the last time I heard it was around a month or two for an AU timezone application to be reviewed. Police force is a very sought after job in the city and thus it is both very competitive and has massive wait lists. Good luck with it.
  23. Yes, he could be attempting to join while in restricted mode 1or he could just have so bad of a connection that the fivem launcher doesn't recognize he is trying to connect. I suggest getting him to join when the server is no longer in restricted mode and maybe at off peak hours.
  24. https://bluebirdrp.live/index.php?/support/ Make a ticket here, they will tell you why you were banned and even if you were banned, sometimes the server says people are banned but they aren't actually. If the ban is illegitimate you should get un-banned pretty quick, if it was for something that you didn't even think was against the rules or bad maybe you should wait and take the time to consider why you thought x action was ok. Good luck with it.
  25. Read what the police application says, it says both what you need to include and where you need to post / send it. Imo you could use this statement in one of those areas on the real application. https://bluebirdrp.live/index.php?/topic/451-police-application/ Good Luck with it bud.
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