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I'm here today to make a request regarding traffic zones. As a member of AmbVic I use traffic zones quite alot on a daily basis, they keep me and my patient safe in roleplay but can sometimes ruin roleplay for others around me weather that be because of how much the zone takes up the roadway or because of the traffic and mess it makes around the zone. however, I have a pretty simple request to try and help both parties, the coding may not be but it should be good in the long run.

I've attached 3 pictures below (LEFT TO RIGHT); 

  • A traffic zone taking up one side of traffic and over lapping onto the side of the road.
  • A traffic zone thats setup in the middle of two lanes, stopping both lanes of travel that are divided up by a small median strip.
  • A traffic zone thats setup in the middle of two lanes stopping both lanes of travel that are divided by a large median strip.

What I'm requesting here today is could the smallest traffic zone size be smaller to where you can place it between two lanes going the same way and not have overlap onto the otherside of the road or the curbside? decreasing the size should decrease the amount of lag, explosions and traffic that would occur in the area surrounding the traffic zone while allowing roleplayers weather that be emergency services or civilians to go around and still have the ability to go through without hitting and/or killing AmbVic paramedics on scene.

if anyone wants to reply to this post saying what they think about this please do. - Nick Wood / Jack Wood (bradfor925)

zone 1 lane.png

zone both lanes.png

zone middle both lanes.png

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