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Completely remove NPC aircraft


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As the title says: completely remove aircraft controlled by locals. Apart from the funny clips that will be missing, there are only going to be advantages to this:

1. No random crashes and explosions. The random low-flying aircraft are very unrealistic and the explosions even more.

2. Reduce Lag. This ought to reduce lag, even if it's only going to be a bit, the less the better.

3. Make aircraft a rare sight to see. When the only helicopters and planes are flown by citizens, either Melbourne Adventures or private ones, the people on the ground will be like "look there's a plane, wonder who's flying and if they see us" as you would irl.

4. Make police a real "threat" to air-pirates. I don't really know how it is now but with the many aircrafts up in the air right now, the police may have some difficulties seeing which one is player flown and which one is local flown. 

This is also a good step to make BBRP look less like GTA Online even more where you are used to seeing such sights everyday. Maybe also make spawning helicopter in LSIA not a thing since people stealing those aircraft without any resistance is really unrealistic in my opinion and also prevents people using these helicopter as battering rams and jumping out of it right before crashing without any loss a thing of the past.

Please comment on this if you like the idea or have a better idea overall 🙂

Edited by Aku
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Please excuse if I am explaining this wrong but this is like "Chinese Whispers" so I have been told the reason this is hard to fix before but I don't fully understand it so this will be in layman's terms.

Basically there are certain local events that are baked into the fivem framework, these are things like the planes flying above the farm, the helicopters around grove st and the group of 3 Lost MC bikies riding down the highway. These events can't just be removed, they could potentially do small edits to them as soon as they are detected (changing their speed or out right deleting them) but that would also delete any variation of that vehicle that exists.

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If it's possible to do this it would be great, the AI air vehicles are really annoying.

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On 31/03/2021 at 11:59 PM, VincentMGraves said:

Please excuse if I am explaining this wrong but this is like "Chinese Whispers" so I have been told the reason this is hard to fix before but I don't fully understand it so this will be in layman's terms.

Basically there are certain local events that are baked into the fivem framework, these are things like the planes flying above the farm, the helicopters around grove st and the group of 3 Lost MC bikies riding down the highway. These events can't just be removed, they could potentially do small edits to them as soon as they are detected (changing their speed or out right deleting them) but that would also delete any variation of that vehicle that exists.

I'm no FiveM or Lua dev but if there is no FiveM native way to disable this maybe you could detect if an airplane is spawned and if a real player is not in close proximity the plane just automatically deletes. That way you could get rid of all the citizen airplanes but still leaves room for citizen aircraft to spawn.

I don't really now how much that would actually affect lag or anything on the server but it could potentially work.

After quick research I found this to help:

FiveM Docs:

and StackOverflow questions: 

Edited by Aku
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