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Posts posted by HeroicLeigh

  1. On 29/06/2021 at 6:19 AM, Mal2251 said:

    Ive been thinking of the ideas of the ability to add bigger whitewalls to cars. I heard you can't do it without adding the option for bullet proof tires but if there was a way around that would be really great. Another thing I had in mind was to be able to sign on for Oil Refining closer to the oil sites ( like oil 1 for example). One too many times have I and many others that I know of have crashed  while at oil one and then had to drive down all the way back to the city and then back to Oil one. Can an option be added where you can sign on like you used to be able to in the F6 menu of RACV/TBT? or have it closer to the oil sites so it isn't such a Trek.

    Hi! As the leader of the oil union, I've put in a suggestion for this already. I believe it's in consideration. I absolutely understand the frustration (done enough oil to have felt the pain myself). Hopefully we will see it, but they have to consider job balancing as well. 🙂

  2. On 10/06/2021 at 1:00 AM, Ohnoes said:

    hi im very new to the server. how do you drop things you pick up. i picked up a fuel canister and cant drop it now

    Sorry I haven't checked the forums or this in a while. I hope you figured this out! If not, when in your inventory put the quantity in the bottom left box and then drag the item to the Drop option.

  3. There's a new union on the block! Two of them, in fact. 

    The new crew, Teamsters United, is forming and overseeing crews for these two jobs. There's no requirement to join, but we do highly encourage it. 

    Some of the services we provide:

    • On the job training
    • Radio channels
    • Security
    • Wholesale purchasing of product
    • Snacks, medkits, repair kits, and more while on the job site

    Should you be interested, ask around for us in city. Emil Censored is running the mining union and "Dutch" the oil. However, any Teamster* can sign you up for the union of your choice.

    If you have a job in which you would like to see a union formed to be able to benefit from the above services, please contact us. 

    *Teamsters (and their availability):
    Rosa (North America)
    Dutch (GMT)
    April (Local)
    Emil (GMT)
    Ace (GMT)
    Willow (GMT)

    In addition to the above, some unions will have non-crew representatives who can assist during other times as well, but we have availability in-city at nearly all hours.

    • Like 1
  4. You say every second time you play- are you closing the FiveM client between sessions?

    It's generally best practice to (when logging out, disconnecting, etc: any time you leave Blue Bird essentially) completely close FiveM. It can be a bit finicky and cause difficulties connecting if you don't. 

  5. Toss a request in through the Support Ticket in the link bar at the top of the screen ('Applications/Reports/Support Tickets/Ban Appeals' the admin are more likely to see it that way. Just know the wait time right now is 30-45 days just because they have a LOT of tickets to go through.

  6. Mods/Admin don't always read forum posts. They get dozens of tickets to go through a day. 
    (Also as a note: gold is more *you* supporting the server vs the *server* supporting you. The benefits are a thank you.)

    Some things to consider: 
    1. Are you still waiting deep in the queue or is it more like you end up at 2/50? There are roles (admins, mods, whitelist...) that do have higher queue priority than gold.

    2. Check your roles in the Discord. Do you have the Gold Supporter role? If not, make sure you have the forums and Discord synced properly.

    3. Try asking in the support channel on Discord for help. If a mod is active, they can take a look at things like the above to make sure it's all linked up.

  7. Absolute props to Frankie. She's handling some shit her character has been through (incl. a stalker that tbh I would have reported to the city long ago) completely in-city. It takes a lot to do that. It's good RP, it's complex character development, but a lot of us (and there's no shame in it) skate by it because we want fun in our gaming as much as possible. 

    On top of that, she doesn't make it overly dramatic. I've played with too many people over the years (non-bluebird RP) who would take what Frankie's been through and use it to just be an attention-obsessed drama queen. She generates amusing moments of RP with it, which isn't easy to do.

    • Like 1
  8. Go to the top where it says 'Support Tickets' and file a ticket there. Make sure to include which garage(s), which vehicle (model, license plate, etc), and any other useful info. Basically everything the devs will need to investigate. 


    Also just know it might take a while for them to reply. They get dozens of tickets a day.

  9. At 300 people, the server is struggling immensely. It's not even RP quality. It's  just sheer play quality. If you upped it to 400 you'd absolutely hate it and end up complaining that the server is 'garbage.' All because it just has too many people.

    Servers tend to be smaller because that's how you ensure a quality play experience from multiple levels:

    - Ratio of mod/admin-to-player

    - Ratio of people to interact with (fewer people flooding the server just because it has space and more people there because they have a vested interest)

    - Server capability in keeping up with streaming to individual connections worldwide

    • Like 3
  10. April, your tour of the city for a newcomer was beautiful. Great driving, great tips, and even helped me and my 134 hours gain a deeper understanding of the game.

    Stayed in character the whole time, so bravo and thank you.

    • Like 2
  11. Hey folks!

    As a technical writer by trade, it caught my eye seeing chatter of needing more extensive documentation. So I figured I'd try my hand at a new new player guide. The ones present are either out of date or lack things that I personally think a new player should know. 

    How you can help is to answer the question: What do you know now that you wish you'd known upon first arriving in the city?

    Note: this does not cover things that should be learned in roleplay. I'm talking about things like:

    • /hud to show/hide the HUD.
    • How to set the limiter on your car (Ctrl+Enter).


    Future planned guides:

    • A new keybinds guide (the current one on the forums is out of date and is missing some useful ones; same thing with F3).
    • An intro to Roleplay guide (this would be very basic and just include tips, advice, guidance for people who have never RP'd before).
    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1
  12. I don't care if I end up the only one to post here. As I said before, it's not like I can tell someone in RP that I love their RP.


    Ying Chao - you stand out in so many ways *in a good way*. So many of us are beautiful people in that cookie cutter kind of way. You break the mold in so many ways and I was honestly thrilled I got to RP with you for an interview. I absolutely super look forward to doing so again in the future.

    • Like 2
  13. I didn't see anything like this so I thought I'd get it started. A place where we can call out awesome RP, funny RP, etc. Can't really break character to go 'hey that was some amazing shit,' but I am a huge fan of letting people know when they are appreciated.


    So, I'll start: River Mills, dude, you have been a highlight of my time here so far. I'm hella glad to have met you and been able to play with you. Not only have you been a great help in (through natural RP) getting me situated and learning the ropes in the city, but you have also made me laugh my ass off on more than one occasion (and be super grateful for PTT as a result). Your character is a hot mess, but he's a loveable hot mess. Don't change. 

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