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Raise price for selling Fish


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It is obvious that in the city currently there are a handful of jobs that outweigh all of the rest due to people earning more money, and I think this should be looked into... Especially the 'Fisherman' job. The job itself is a lot of fun, but unfortunately does not make as much bank as say.. garbage worker, oil worker or lumberjack. I think raising the price slightly for each fish would definitely help out the business and create more variety of workers instead of running around the city and watching 40 garbage trucks all working at the same time. I recently have purchased my boat license and my own boat and was very keen to try out fishing with some mates of mine, but sadly the amount of money we are receiving for the job is not enough and doesn't even compare to other jobs at all. Overall, the job is a lot of fun if you own your own vessel and creates some really fun roleplay. My suggestion / conclusion is to look into the price for each Fish sold and possibly raise it.


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