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How to find good group


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Hey all, I'm new to GTA RP though I have RP'd in other games quite a bit. I have been having a hard time finding a group to roll with in game. How would you all recommend finding people in RP? I want to rely on in city means.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You will just have to try get yourself "involved" I found it very hard, as a lot of players have an "Elitist" view on new "Dannies" that join the server, basically if you don't have a book of knowledge already, no one wants to become your friend. *No-one, as in very little people*


All I can say is, we've all been there, maybe not on BBRP, although we've been new once before and had it tough to make new friends, just keep pushing, you'll get there buddy.

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Go around talking to people that's the best way to make friends. You could even join RACV or some job along that line and meet people while working and you will make friends in no time!

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I get this dude, its sometimes hard to find people in RP. I would go to places in the city, work a job, and meet people and make friends. I can't tell you what exact places in the city people hang out(due to the metagaming rule) but there's definitely lots of places they do and I would consider looking around. I recommend moving down from Bendigo(AKA Paleto bay) because that's where everyone flies in and not many people go up there unless it's for business. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've had some pretty good RP experiences being a taxi driver - it's a good way to meet people, find out what they're up to and see if you can wiggle your way into their plans. A lot people need someone willing to drive them around, if you catch my drift

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Ultimately you should be finding this stuff out in RP but here are a few tips for anyone that is new to city and wants to meet new people

- RACV - Makes good money from it while meeting new people, make sure you are always really friendly and try and introduce yourself so you can get you name out there
- Events - Go to yellow pages events, i'm sure you can meet a ton of new people

- Clubs - The few clubs and bars open frequently in city

- Good RP - The better the RP the more people will remember you and get yourself out there, same with when you get picked up by paramedics




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