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RP Question about downed state.


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If in RP someone tells you they have taken your phone but they don't. When in the downed condition can you call an ambulance? I have asked a few people in the city but can't get a straight answer. I seems that if they say they have taken your phone you have to use the new life rules allowing them to operate with complete immunity to any ramifications. Making it impossible to do anything.

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There is a mechanic that exists for stealing phones, radios and dirty money, that is the /steal mechanic, there is a legit way to steal someones phone in the same way there is a legit way to restrain people and remove their weapons.
Basically the only /me actions that matter are ones that don't have mechanic based counterparts. The rules as they are currently written and the mechanics as they are currently coded mean you can only yoink a phone if you actually use the mechanic to yoink it.

I PERSONALLY don't love it because it means when shit happens you can't really fix it in the aftermath (people can get killed in 2 seconds before you can take their phone and then boom the jig is up they are getting an ambo.)

Edited by Vincent

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4 minutes ago, Buggerup said:

I am sorry I don't understand your reply.

Sorry, I rewrote it so it was easier to understand bud.

tried to separate my opinion from the main fact.

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Thanks so if they don't physically take the phone you can call an ambulance. Got it. I am not sure if you can still access your inventory when downed nut I will check next time. 

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