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How to know if banned?


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played last night, was just doing arm a guard drops and then logged out. Went to log in this morning and not able to, received the following message: Have I been banned? lol

Connection rejected by 128.png BlueBirdRP's server: ⛔ Uh oh, security wouldn’t let you passed the gate… BlueBird has open servers & a great community, anyone and everyone is welcome!
This server specifically is set aside for BlueBird members and guests to participate in amazing RolePlay.
But don’t fret! 💕 We would love to play with you another time.n
If you are already a player of BlueBird and are thinking of taking the plunge why not consider applying to be allowlisted or become a supporter and get on right now? What do you have to lose?
If you are interested in becoming a allowlisted civ fill out an application on our website we would love to have you!
Join us on our discord discord.gg/bluebird or visit our website bluebirdrp.live
Q:Why have I been denied entry? You dont have the time on server requirement, you have received a yellow or red card within the last 30 days or you are a new player to the server.


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You have not been banned,

The server is currently in restricted mode, sometimes this mode is activated when there is either a small amount of staff able to moderate the server or a wave of new players with bad intentions has come into the city. During this mode People who are whitelisted (Players who have a good track record and thus have been granted extra perms) and players have some sort of gold supporter are the only people guaranteed entry into the server queue. The final group of people who have access is what I call a "Trusted player", they are a member of the community who has 120 hours in game and no yellow or red cards in the last month. 

I understand finding it frustrating that this mode is activated but the community would rather make sure a  smaller group is able to have a nice fun time without an increased chance of modders etc, If everyone who was new was able to pass through in restricted mode then restricted mode would have no purpose. This mode is not permanent, I personally believe it should be deactivated some time later today or tomorrow but there is no official ETA.

This is coming from someone who is also unable to connect, I am just shy of 120 hours on the server (109.) The only advice I can give you is that if you wish to play on the #1 OCE FiveM server this is the sort of thing you will have to put up with.

Ps. Don't purchase gold membership thinking you will be able to pass through restricted mode, you need to connect 1 time after purchasing / linking for it to activate and that means you will still be getting rejected if you have yet to do so.

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