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  2. Im a newbie to the gta. I just bought it 2 days ago and only done the tutorial. I maily got the game to meet people to hang out and RP with as I'm a D&D player and use to do larping/acting on the side. Was wonding if i need more game experinece in this game as i have no experince in online RP or is it easy to join and jump into the fire? XD
  3. Please open a ticket, for the correct assistance
  4. Apply via corrections, there is a process you need to follow, Posting here wont help you.
  5. its not letting me end it, it keeps taking money out my account every day when i dont even play on this server
  6. Huge Vouch for Sons of Shane, Meeting these boys mid 2022 this group has produced quality roleplay for the server. Would love to see how they can expand it as an Organisation <333
  7. Hi, when I use my phone my mouse stays stuck in the middle of the screen and I can't move it over to my phone, is there any setting or fix for this?
  8. As one of the people who have dealt with SOS in 1 on 1 Roleplay situations as a ORG, I've seen these guys do nothing but mature and become better at roleplay by every meeting we had or every interaction. If anyone does deserve a chance to be an org its these guys
  9. [url=https://seks.pics]Кариски сиски[/url]
  10. Big fan. The RB26-style engine is sacrilege though.
  11. Holden Torana replacement, made by Fatality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXPte5Pnicg https://discord.com/channels/868366789476745257/1192012635084955723/1205065446341083166
  12. Hey bigfattypig (I recommend changing your name), Did you by chance have negative cash in your hands? Accumulative negative funds will put you at high risk of losing vehicles and potentially removed from the city (for troll behaviours). Besides that, I believe vehicles don't get repossessed at all unless interacted with Police in city.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OEwEf_6lygk
  14. I've just either been banned from the Discord or Kicked from it. It won't let me join and keeps saying unable to accept invite.
  15. 100% vouch i was in this crew and they move like a Org already the 58Sixers deserve it they would make a huge impact for the city they got my vote. #58SIXERSFORORG
  16. SDS For Org. I mean, theres couple of bikies, street org, cartel oriented Firm, mafia, and environmental activist/tree people/labour union. A discrete syndicate structure would be ideal. SDS has always been about that, working in the shadows, nobody knowing whats really happening. Just like people were 'who the fuck is SDS?' when crew+, that reaction was a sign they doing things right. Highly rated. 5/5 Danny bracelets. also, thx for the new profile pic
  17. @Johnny2000 Wiseau were a syndicate but that was 2 years ago so you might not know about them
  18. Sds would make a great org being the fastest crew to hit crew+ and now going for org they would be the first syndicate and as a leader of a crew who has been working for them for months I think they deserve a spot they are there for all there crews help them out even fight for them and with them they run events and help with event they would be great for the next org #Sds for org #baba for org
  19. Huge vouch for SDS since I first stepped into the city they have been the ones to support me the most with my criminal activities and have always been happy to help me, more so than any other Crew, Crew+ or Org, most others in my experience ask "What can you do for us?", SDS always ask "What can we do for you? How can we help?". This is why i believe the part in their application where they state "We want to be known as the group that supports the underdog." They helped me even as basically a absolute Danny and a complete novice to the city, and did so with no expectations, they just want to help the underdogs succeed and help bolster the criminal underbelly of the city from the shadows. SDS would honestly make a great Org, all the members I've met and interacted with are always pleasant and happy to help if they can, and if they can't they will try connect you with someone that can, If given Org that core group would expand and hopefully bring in people just as pleasant to be around and eager to help, making them a real force in this city and likely the first place people would look to when thinking about turning to a life of crime! SDS for Org. #WeNeedAnSyndicateOrg
  20. I've had a few encounters with the leader of SOS, and a few other members, and 100% will back SOS in getting org.
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