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Everything posted by Vincent

  1. This isn't official in any way but one of our members made this:
  2. Its less about PC gaming and more about the fivem framework being kind of shit. Even if you perfectly optimize your settings you will still have a rough time with your RIG and our server, on a plain FIVEM server with no custom code you can probably run it smoothly at the minimum settings but because we have so many things going at once it makes it a bit harder to run. Up until about 4 days ago I had serious problems with texture pop in and falling through the map when I was going quickly but I upgraded my PC and now I am running perfectly. Obviously I am not recommending you upgrade your PC so you can run FiveM better but just telling you that with your rig no matter your settings you will always have problems in one form or another. Sorry about that bud.
  3. What graphics card (Main;y how much v-ram does it have) do you own? and Have you optimized your settings so that memory budget is as close to maxed as you can get it before the vram budget goes out of green.
  4. https://bluebirdrp.live/index.php?/support/ Gotta make your ban appeal in the tickets mate, no other way to do it. I will be hiding this post in 24 hours if you haven't already responded. @WagWan HowlGG
  5. Vincent


    Hey bud, When you are loading in you need to wait for all the assets to load completely or you will end up in the backup spawn which is where you are at that point. Easiest way to tell if they are loaded is to select the one character you want to fly in with, move to the next page and then wait on the screen where you choose a spawn location before the spinning icon in the bottom right disappears. If this happens in future you can use /fixmepls to teleport to either bendigo if you are meant to be free in the city, the prison if you are meant to be in the prison or immigration if you haven't finished your immigration test.
  6. Its already on the list of fixes that need to be done bud, thanks for helping though.
  7. Ok so whitelisting isn't the same thing as a "whitelisted only server" like Nopixel, our whitelisting is basically a reward tier for those who have prove their worth / RP strength to the community. Long story really short; Be a good cookie, Get noticed for being a good cookie, Get recommended, Impress the recruitment team, Get a code, Apply on the ticket section of the forums. A good way of doing this is just doing your own things, if you like guns then yeah teaching people how to shoot properly, doing hunting trips and just generally making content for other people to enjoy are all ways to get noticed.
  8. That's all good bud, the forums are a good area for suggesting small changes to systems like this, The town hall is good and all but personally I think it is a better place for talks about rule changes rather than server suggestions and their implementation. Keep up the good work.
  9. I think it is still in the balancing phase of implementation but so long as that wasn't the original intention of the devs I would be fine if it only went down a few ranks for each charge you got. I still think it should be going down as a drug dealer who is known to the system and gets regularly snagged for things isn't a great source of reliable drugs.
  10. Mechanic wise you won't be able to get any unique mechanics like doing licensing tests or handing out said licenses until you are whitelisted and have a business idea granted but the general idea of going out and training people how and when to use firearms is something that our community could benefit from. If you are from aus it would be even better as our gun laws when it comes to self defense are pretty harsh and thus so are our IC cops, would be good if you could teach people those rules at the same time.
  11. If you remember their ID or name chuck in a ticket or as I said get your friends to chuck in a report in game (I know you have plenty of mates in city.) Sorry it happened bud but IMO Votekick needs to exists for those extreme situations of actual hate, mass rdm / vdm or modding. I hope you have a better experience if you fly back in mate.
  12. Hey bud, if you feel a votekick was unjust you need to make a ticket about it or get a friend to report it in city. Miss-using it purposefully can lead t0 a permanent ban as the vote kick system was designed mainly for immediate threats when no staff are around not small slights. Do you know what you got votekicked for because it sounds like it would be pretty hard to argue that you were an immediate threat / purposefully making them uncomfortable.
  13. I think the reason it works in the base game and why it works in real life is because you can get better at it and improve your endurance, I personally wouldn't really be interested in it as the winner would be chosen just by why took the tightest lines but feel free to organize it yourself bud.
  14. Obviously I live nowhere near you guys and noone from AUS can get there atm but do are you a gamemaster for a bunch of games?
  15. Sorry to hear that bud but the fact that you are in debt automatically excludes you from getting a character perma death approved. There are plenty of jobs in city that earn good money with no startup cost (garbage man, milkman, aus post delivery driver etc) If you spend 30 minutes doing one of these jobs you will be out of debt in no time (assuming your debt isn't bigger than 10k.) The scam itself wasn't against the rules IMO as it doesn't seem like a power game to me but it is definitely a scummy thing to do, maybe in future use this as a learning experience so you don't get scammed again. Edit: Wait how did you give 50k to someone, new players are limited with how much cash they can transfer so you would have had to sit there for a good 10 minutes slowly passing the cash over.
  16. *Moderation Action* Moved to correct area. My understanding was GP, Grundy and whoever else is working on it want to greatly expand its usage so this is a possibility but I think it would have the exact same sweetspot problem.
  17. Hey bud, As far as I know we have one staff member currently in charge of sheriff recruitment, I'll pass this along to him and hopefully he will be able to give us a bit more info on what the process for applying is.
  18. *Moderation Action* Moved to the correct area.
  19. Vincent's Shit QUEUE Idea. *This is all probably very wrong, if any of the logic I used for trying to figure out the current queue system is wrong please disregard the topic, this is just how queue feels to an outside observer* Queue is not an issue for me, as part of the CAT team I have been quite lucky to avoid the fallout-esk wasteland that has been our server queue for the past 4 months or so but I can see the strain the amount of supporters has put on our current system. As it currently exists our queue is a positive feedback loop (Figure 1:) where people get annoyed with queue, decide to support which makes queue worse for others so they are more likely to support. Figure 1: The cycle of pain. Whilst from a business POV this is good I got the impression from both staff and long time community members that this was not why supporter existed, we are continually trying to add other ways to give queue priority for free but there is a point when we have to just accept that at the volume we are currently dealing with out queue priority system isn't handling it. My suggestion is based off a REDM queue system I once helped create, I am not saying I coded it so I can't do that for this community but I was heavily involved in the planning process where we decided what tiers would give what power and how that power related to entry tier players. *This is all assuming the CitizenFX framework don't fuck with databases differently depending on which game it is used on.* As it currently exists queue prio is not great for the masses, it feels like you could be waiting in queue for 7 hours and get up to position 2/40 and then 10 plats will join the queue and will instantly go in front of yo. My idea would be more resource intensive but take into account the amount of time you had waited in queue since tsunami (The numbers are very rough and I may be under or over valuing some of the roles but I think the general Idea is sound) https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jcbu3Bcd-1lYb8p_WiIr2qiDUv1jSBOh6VFLzUhEvjY/edit?usp=sharing This very simple spreadsheet converts the flat queue powers into flat time spent in queue bonuses, there are some that will never be beaten by entry queue but I think that is a necessary inclusion for things like Staff, EMS, BBRP Affiliates etc. I will now give you an example of how this will change the queue, we will scale it down to 10 people just to make it easier. Information for the example: - It is 7:30pm (3 hours since restart) - There are less than 300 people on the server (Not realistic but a needed addition for this example) - User A, B and C have been in queue since restart - User D, E, F, G, H, and I all joined at 7:30pm - User J joined at queue at 4:30, waited an hour and got in but left at 7 for dinner, they are now rejoining at 7:30 A : Entry Tier, Year 4 (0qp vs 5min+QT) QT=3 hours * B : Whitelisted, Year 4 (30qp vs 1hour 35min+QT) QT=3 hours * C : Gold Tier, Year 3 (30qp vs 1 hour 40min+QT) QT=3 hours * D : EMS Active, Year 4 (200qp vs 14 hour+QT) QT=0 * E : EMS not Active, Year 4 (0qp vs 5min+QT) QT=0 F : Entry Tier, Year 1 (0qp vs 40min+QT) QT=0 G : Gold Tier, Year 1 (30qp vs 2hour 10min+QT) QT=0 H : Plat Tier, Year 4 (50qp vs 2hour 35min+QT) QT=0 I : Admin, Year 3 (∞qp vs 48hour+QT) QT=0 * J : Plat Tier, Year 2 (50qp vs 2hour 50min+QT) QT=1 hour * Using that shit jumble of data I will show you the order I believe each system would put them in. What Current Seems Like: I. D. H. J. B. C. G. A. E. F. New: I, D, C, B, J, A, H, G, F, E, The main difference is that it weights how long you have been waiting a lot more than just your position IN your perspective tier due to this a year 4 entry who has been waiting for 3 hours (User A) can beat Users H, G, F and E instead of just F and E, Similarly B & C were able to move up the ranks and were only beaten by those who need to access the server ASAP (active EMS and Staff.) I know this isn't a great solution, I know it is probably a lot more resource intensive than whatever elegant secret queue script Grundy has made behind the scenes but because no one really talks about how queue really works we have to go off how it feels like it works and right now it feels like it isn't. Thankyou for trying to make it easier for those who can't afford to pay for supporter to get some form of queue priority, if this isn't even slightly possible I would be happy to work with the staff to help figure out more ways to do that in the future. I am not a coder anymore, I do not do LUA and have never worked with the citizenfx framework or with the amounts of data the server currently does but I just wanted to put into words the things people have been complaining about for months but have been unable to describe. Thankyou for coming to my shitty TED talk. *Sorry for making a whine-y ramble-y post, If the devs read this you do an amazing job, this is more just so I can scream into the void than anything*
  20. *Moderation Action* Merged to move to correct area
  21. Hey bud, when you were trying to connect the server was restarting, here is the discord link: https://discord.gg/bluebird
  22. *Moderation Action* Merged the double posts:
  23. Sorry, I rewrote it so it was easier to understand bud. tried to separate my opinion from the main fact.
  24. There is a mechanic that exists for stealing phones, radios and dirty money, that is the /steal mechanic, there is a legit way to steal someones phone in the same way there is a legit way to restrain people and remove their weapons. Basically the only /me actions that matter are ones that don't have mechanic based counterparts. The rules as they are currently written and the mechanics as they are currently coded mean you can only yoink a phone if you actually use the mechanic to yoink it. I PERSONALLY don't love it because it means when shit happens you can't really fix it in the aftermath (people can get killed in 2 seconds before you can take their phone and then boom the jig is up they are getting an ambo.)
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